After seventeen years as a Director of Quealy & Co Residential Lettings, Stuart Reynolds has announced his retirement. Dee Quealy is enormously grateful for the contribution that Stuart has made to the business since 2005 and wishes him a well-earned retirement.
Stuart comments “I am retiring! Having spent 28.5 years with HSBC ending my career there as a Financial Controller I joined Dee in 2005 to set up Quealy & Co Residential Lettings as a standalone business. The two jobs were diametrically opposite, but I have loved both of them. I am looking forward to having more time on my hands, but it is with a heavy heart that I leave this fantastic team. The saving grace is that I know how good they are and that they will continue to do a great job. I would like to thank them, and all our clients for all the support I have been given over the last seventeen years. Thank you!"